
In keeping with the principal objective of the organization BMI raises the knowledge among managers through continuing education. In addition to the monthly Chapter meetings where numerous speakers offer the latest information on a wide variety of topics, BMI hosts regional seminars and statewide conferences each year. These sessions disseminate timely information on all areas of community association management. Informed, prominent speakers address areas such as legislation, education, financial management, product advances and insurance. BMI has been approved as a provider of continuing education by the Florida Department of Business Regulation.


BMI keeps up to date on all legislative news that is happening in Tallahassee.

Ethical Guidelines

Members of BMI subscribe to and support the association’s Code of Ethics. Any Company wishing to affiliate themselves with BMI must agree to abide by this code.

Employment Referral

BMI maintains a referral service for members and has been very successful introducing qualified managers to employers. BMI is not an agency and there is no charge.


BMI manager members receive a free copy of the Fla. Community Association Journal as part of your dues. Each member receives a copy of the BMI Bugle which is published quarterly. This gives information to both managers and associates on upcoming events, new legislation, important articles and list of new members. Donít forget about our web site. You can get info from membership information.

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